We don‘t make it easy for ourselves.
We make it easy for you!

QUICK-TWIST – made to make your work easier!

(Stainless) steel or cast iron dismantling joints are generally used to replace fittings. They are removed by the reciprocal screwing of adjusting nuts and threaded rods against one of the flanges multiple times, which reduces the length of the dismantling joint. This is extremely time-consuming and laborious, both when installing and removing the joints. In addition, the existing fitting and removal pieces made of stainless steel or cast iron are very heavy and accordingly do not simplify handling. Reinert-Ritz has addressed this problem and developed a solution that your fitters will love and makes their work considerably easier – the QUICK-TWIST dismantling joint.

Six good reasons for

1. Assembled with one twist of the wrist

Adjusting nuts and threaded rods are a thing of the past. Simply set the length „with one twist of the wrist’“ using the wellthought-out twisting mechanism. And then fix it just like a normal flange. This saves more than half the usual installation time coupled with being extremely userfriendly.

2. Totally corrosionresistant

The dismantling joint is constructed from 100 % plastic and is, due to its corrosion resistance, extremely economic and sustainable.

1. 2.

1. Assembled with one twist of the wrist

Adjusting nuts and threaded rods are a thing of the past. Simply set the length „with one twist of the wrist’“ using the wellthought-out twisting mechanism. And then fix it just like a normal flange. This saves more than half the usual installation time coupled with being extremely userfriendly.

2. Totally corrosionresistant

The dismantling joint is constructed from 100 % plastic and is, due to its corrosion resistance, extremely economic and sustainable.

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3. Equipped with the best flanges

QUICK-TWIST is equipped with our special flange VP on the fixed side and offers outstanding connection and tightness properties thanks to nominal size connection. On the loose side the carefully designed Reinert-Ritz HP flange is used with a patented, coordinated design of the backing ring flange and PE col-lar for maximum reliability.

4. Durable and lightweight

The handling is child‘s play with our particularly light and robust plastic construction. In contrast to the usualy heavy metal dismantling joints.

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3. Equipped with the best flanges

QUICK-TWIST is equipped with our special flange VP on the fixed side and offers outstanding connection and tightness properties thanks to nominal size connection. On the loose side the carefully designed Reinert-Ritz HP flange is used with a patented, coordinated design of the backing ring flange and PE col-lar for maximum reliability.

4. Durable and lightweight

The handling is child‘s play with our particularly light and robust plastic construction. In contrast to the usualy heavy metal dismantling joints.

3. 4.

5. Precisely tailored to your needs

Choose from spigot-end (for electro couplers or butt welding) or special flange VP for the pipe-side Connection.

6. At a glance …

Although the QUICK-TWIST versions for water and wastewater are technically identical, they differ in the seal used. To let you immediately know for which application the QUICK-TWIST in front of you is opti-mized, it has a colour identification label that is visible from afar.

5. 6.

QUICK-TWIST, there’s a story about that…

From our studio we describe in detail the development of the QUICK-TWIST dismantling joint, starting with a customer requirement that laid the foundation for today’s product. Get to know the exclusive unique selling propositions and features that significantly simplify the work of customers when dealing with the QUICK-TWIST dismantling joint.





flange spigot-end


Convincing dismanteling joint

We aim for new developments to simplify your work, provide a high level of safety and offer solutions that are both profitable and sustainable. Our QUICK-TWIST dismantling joints meet these requirements with ease. We are confident that you will not wish to miss out on the simplicity and speed with which you can securely use our dismantling joint in future.

Inquire now!

Just save money at work!

The QUICK-TWIST dismantling-joint is a real assistance that saves you a lot of effort. Gone are the days when threaded rods and countless adjusting nuts had to be set in a time-consuming process. You only require half the time to install or remove a QUICKTWIST dismantling-joint. And the bigger the dismantling-joint become, the more time you can save. This bene-fits your profitability because you can do more in the same time. And this time is cash – for you.



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